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Leadership is a relevant topic, whether in business, politics, or religion, and there are many different viewpoints on the subject, all of which use statistics to support their claims. Leadership is a tremendous job. And no matter where it occurs, followers want dependable, motivating, significant, and, most tellingly, influential leaders. Many well-known leaders are role models, but is Jesus Christ not the best example of leadership?
As a leadership development company, ROI concentrates on the fundamental tenets of Christ’s leadership style. A follower or disciple of Christ refers to as a Christian. A leader is someone who is serving others. Where there is a heart for helping others, there is a Christian leadership that outstands all sorts of administration.
Christ’s purpose for leadership involves an attitude of service and a life of integrity. Every leader must not overlook the call for them to stay accountable and dependent on Christ’s authority, hence the question: What makes an influential Christian leader? What sets a Christian leader apart from other people in their position? What distinguishes Christian leadership from mainstream leadership?
Christian leadership is rarely a natural ability. One might start great in one role and awful in another. Read on to achieve a robust Christian leadership that can create an organizational change, implement a culture shift, turn a pool of co-leaders into a committed and engaged workforce, and bring out the best in them and their leaders. As one gains experience, performing each of these responsibilities will get effortless. Up until at least!
Do not form members but create leaders as well
The likelihood of achieving successful organizational change – the step of an organization shifting to a different form or condition – can be improved substantially with each leader you develop at work. Because they typically display qualities that foster progress – like passion, purpose, and innovative thinking – leaders can promote this kind of change. A company only has one means to achieve the transformation it seeks with a single leader. There are multitudes of ways when there are many leaders.
Serve, not manage, in all spheres of life
Serving and managing are two different terms. Leaders are the heart of a business, while managers are their brains. Although the people are vital for getting the work done, management is about the company, not the people the leader serves. Jesus’ life and teachings provide a significant response to this analogy. He came to search and rescue the lost, not to be served but to serve. For those aspiring leaders who are just beginning their first leadership or management position, understanding what those responsibilities include and what they call for from leaders will be very helpful.
Influence the lives of many people
From the so-called minor leadership roles like a boss of a local coffee shop, an instructor of five ballet dancers, a head nurse at a municipal clinic, or a class officer to significant roles such as a CEO of a virtual assistance company, a president of a university, or mayor of a city – everyone has an influence. But of all these, self-leadership is arguably the most significant leadership function, although it is also the least discussed. It does not mean leaders should opt for leadership that walks alone, but it points out that it will limit their impact in scope if they do not lead themselves well. Leadership is influence, so Christian leaders must use it to foster a closer connection between the people in their purview and God.
Do not be hungry for the perks of the position
Leaders are usually in leadership positions because they have proven themselves in some capacity. However, there is an inclination for leaders to lose sight as they move above. It is more likely to occur the quicker a leader rises to status. Pride starts to take hold, and pride is the starting point for greed. Although it is believed that humans would still be trapped in caves without greed, an excessive desire for more worldly things can be harmful. Influential Christian leaders need to find a way to transition from selfish to more selfless strivings. It entails taking a step back and considering different options instead of mindlessly satisfying their wants for more.
Beyond the generous persona commonly painted in various writings, Christ revealed, reformed, and revolutionized leadership. He was the epitome of excellence in every way, including Christian leadership. Any person who writes about leadership will advise you to take only but after the Greatest.